Advanced Handgun
Advanced Handgun
If you have successfully completed our Introduction to Handgun Course or have completed a similar introductory course, and are competent in safely handling your handgun, then this is the next course for you. It has been designed to further expand on your capabilities with your handgun and will aid you in not only becoming a more proficient shooter, but also begin building a fluid method for effectively dealing with defensive situations as they occur. Topics that will be covered during this course include a quick recap of skills learned during your Introductions to Handguns course, advanced techniques in defensive handgun use, shooting from non traditional positions, multiple target engagement, and how to properly employ your handgun should you sustain an injury.
If you already have your handgun, ammunition, and supporting equipment, ie: pistol belt, holster, magazine pouch, then you should bring them. If you do not have them, we will have those items available for you for a small rental fee.
Our course times are 9 am – 5 pm unless otherwise noted.
Things you’ll need:
Baseball style cap
No low cut tops or open toed shoes (this recommendation is for your safety, as brass casings ejected during firing sequences may land inside loose fitting tops or sandals, and could create a safety issue).
A packed lunch and water.
Optional things you could bring:
Your personal handgun and supporting equipment.
200 rounds of ammunition.
Things we can provide for you:
Handgun and Equipment Rental: $50
*Literally everything you need for your training day! You only have to show up ready to learn!